Disney Kerst milestonecards Disney Kerst milestonecards Disney Kerst milestonecards
Disney Kerst milestonecards Disney Kerst milestonecards Disney Kerst milestonecards
Disney Kerst milestonecards
Magical Beginnings
€ 15,95
Prijs per stuk

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Set van 15 mooie milestonecards: Baby First Christmas, met afbeeldingen uit 101 Dalmatiërs, Winnie the Pooh, Aristocats en Dombo.
Verpakt in kartonnen doosje, afm. 10 x 15 cm.

A set of 15 ‘Baby’s First Christmas’ milestone cards from DISNEY®. Commemorate baby’s milestones over the festive season in the cutest way imaginable with this set of decorative Magical Beginnings cards. The cards feature adorable and recognisable printed designs, including Winnie the Pooh. They showcase designs on one side, with completable milestone moments on the other, making the Christmas season extra special for little ones. The cards are packaged in a Disney foiled closed box.

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